Friday, November 7, 2008

Keepin' in touch...with the ONE!

Want to know a great way to keep in touch...with your Creator?...when you occasionally feel a little bit strung out with a problem or with your job or some other matter that weighs 'heavy on your heart?' Here's are a couple of crazy, but, for me, sure-fire ways to bring things once more into sharp focus. I have two ways...

I am an atronomy buff, and nothing puts my troubles into perspective better than to read something new -- usually on the Internet -- about something new and wonderful and vast and beautiful--something that defies our ability to get our arms around it due to the unbelievable distances...and sizes and complexity...of an 'other worldly' galaxy or cluster of galaxies, billions of light years from earth. The same God who put all of that together such a long time ago, long before we had the ability to even gaze on it -- that same God did it that we might see it and realize what a great God He is. That we might look at it and KNOW that HE IS, and WAS and EVER WILL BE! Astronomy calms me and humbles me and fills me with awe at HIS GREATNESS, HIS MAJESTY, HIS POWER, HIS BEAUTY, and HIS LOVE FOR US!

From the vastness of the universe, to the unbelievably tiny and perfect -- all things sublime!

I sometimes like to stop, along a country road, usually east of Edmond, where there are rock outcroppings. I like to take my 20X power magnifying glass, and get down low over the rocks -- sometimes flat on the rocks -- and look for the tiniest living thing I can find. A tiny plant-- so tiny that I can't even see it without the magnifying glass. I realize, when I do this, that I am the only human likely to ever have seen this little plant, growing on this inhospitable rock. No one else is likely to ever see this one little plant again, and yet, as tiny as it is, and as anonymously as it lives out its brief life, it was made by a God who designed it and put together its inner workings. A tiny life form, brimming with chemical interactions that baffle the scientists of the world, who, with all of their knowledge, money and scientific equipment and skills, cannot make such a thing, tiny and uncomplicated as it at first appears. Only God can make such a thing.

I shudder with awe, even at the age of 64, at a God who can make a universe, some 15 billion light years across (as far as we can 'see' right now). I laugh -- out of sheer wonder and admiration and delight -- at a God who creates tiny things that weird people like me seek out, to further confirm the fact that this same God who created billions of galaxies like our own Milky Way galaxy--that houses billions of stars and likely untold numbers of planets, also constructs tiny living things of beauty for us to enjoy, often too tiny to be seen with the naked eye! Tiny life forms that have their own rhythms of life, and seasons where they come and go, on God's perfect schedule. As we enjoy His creations, and revel in their complexity and the beauty of their design, we simultaneously give HIM all the glory and all our love for these gifts to humanity. In these moments, my troubles melt away and I reflect on an even more unbelievable gift He left us...

The physicists of the world go on and on about their ideas of a 'singularity'...(the initial state of what became God's Universe before that imaginary event they call the BIG BANG). I reflect on the Singularity of MY world...not an imaginary singularity, but a reality--that being my Lord Jesus Christ...WHO Was, and IS, and EVER WILL BE. The realization of the eternal existence of that true Singularity is what calms my heart, gives me hope and makes my life worth living.



Michael Ann said...

THanks Gene! I needed to read that. Have you ever seen the Louie Giglio (sp?) video called "Indescribable"? Or have you ever heard him live? It is awesome and if you haven't seen the video, you should. It is all about creation and astronomy and how awesome God is!

Michelle said...

Very encouraging Gene! I love the new pic w/ your header by the way.
Have a blessed day.

Michael Ann said...

You are so sweet!!

Thank you for your encouraging email and thoughtfulness and prayers for my dad. You are so awesome, always have been - you and the whole shoemake clan! Love you all and I am going to tell my parents to make sure and read your post from when you fell out of that OC window. I think that is just what they need to read about now!

Thank you again!!

dblack said...

Gene, you are so kind. I was just thinking the other day how my blog is not nearly as exciting and funny as some of the others that I read. I have no kids to give me funny stories so I have to use my husband(poor guy)..:) At least I know someone is reading and enjoying!

kj said...

Love the new blog header!! ; ) ha ha

I told Gena, I work less than a mile from Penn Square Mall, Old Navy and Ross....I had to find a new hobby at lunch!!!! Now I eat soup at my desk and play on Microsoft publisher! ha ha

Keep up the great blogging, your stories, wisdom, and faith are so encouraging. Glad to be getting to know you through the blogging world.

Gene said...

Michelle! Thank you for your kind words.

By the way, my new header is courtesy of KJ, (whose comment is right above this comment of mine. She took her time to put that header together for me! What a nice gift! She has a talent that I don't have...and that's for sure!

Gene said...

Michael Ann -- when I used to pay my Mom compliments, she would always turn them around and aim them back at me (or toward whomever else might have complimented her!). When I would say something nice to her, she would point directly at me and say: YOU! You're the one!! She was unbelievably adept at 'compliment deflecting!' So ---after your sweet words to me, I will take Mom's lead and point right back atcha and say: YOU, Michael Ann! YOU'RE the one!

I love you -- and I love your sweet parents. Please give them a 'virtual hug' for me till you see them again -- and then give them a real one from Gene!

P.S. I will have to look up Loouie Giglio and get a copy of the video you mentioned. It sounds wonderful. I'll have to have it! Thanks!

Gene said...

Devy -- hey, sweetheart! I love your blog! I'm looking over your shoulder every day to see what you've posted!

You two seem like you're so incredibly happy together! It's fun seeing the pics of you two together. Please keep 'em coming!

Gene said...

KJ ! How can I ever thank you for such a beautiful pic for my header? I like the pic a lot and plan on always leaving it right there where you put it! It's perfect. I'm so glad that Paula and I are starting to get to know you and your family! This is fun! Thanks so much!