Friday, October 23, 2009

Passing the baton

Years ago I attended a little Christian college in Ft. Worth. It was tiny. Because it was tiny, I was, even though I had little talent for it, chosen to be on the track team.

I was not memorable as a member of the 440-yd. relay team, but we did all right at a few meets where people from other microscopically-tiny colleges and small universities gathered to compete and show their stuff.

The part I enjoyed was the passing of the baton. Baton-passing is an art form. If the approaching runner (who has the baton) is not careful, he will run over the man in front of him. If the runner in front (waiting to receive the baton) does not carefully judge when and how fast to take off running (while reaching back for the baton to be slapped into his hand), he will run off and leave the tired runner behind him in the dust!

Over the years, I have thought of baton-passing a number of times, in a number of different settings. Last week, I felt, as I have before, a sense of 'baton-passing' when my son Jeff and his beautiful wife, Candita, allowed Paula and I to share in the moments after their baby daughter was born. A new life -- born into a happy marriage. A new addition to a young family! We have experienced this twice before -- when Erick and Gena enjoyed the births of Raegan and Greyson Alexander. The cycle of life repeated again!

Parents all hope, as they see their children grow up and marry and have children of their own, that they, as parents, will have contributed in some way, to the 'next leg of the race' in life. As parents, we want so desperately to hand off the baton with great care. As in a relay, the handing off of the baton is so very important. More important than any athletic event, the successful handing off of the baton in life may pass on elements of faith, courage, hope, discipline, balance, gentleness of spirit, the love of beauty, an understanding of forgiveness and tolerance, love
of man and love of God. Come to think of it, the love of God encompasses ALL the other attributes! Parents all want to hand off such batons, for such are the yearnings of parents. How about you?...are you preparing to 'pass the baton' to others someday?

Just a thought I wanted to share tonight....