Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gena's love affair with frogs

Back in the '80s, when Gena was a little girl, I came home from an out-of-town trip and walked into our home, carrying my briefcase and luggage. I could tell that my little family was home, but they were out in the back yard, so I headed toward the back door, calling out to Paula and the kids. Suddenly, Gena streaked past the back door, in her shorts and t-shirt. She had a huge grin on her face and the most excited look I had ever seen in her eyes as she paused for a millisecond to greet me and then raced on past the back door, holding the most enormous bullfrog I had ever seen in my life. Not a little toad, mind you, but a huge green bullfrog. She changed expression in that same millisecond, to reassure her dumbfounded dad. Her little eyebrows twisted a little, in that little-girl attempt at seriousness and grown-up-ishness as she said, very matter-of-factly: "I'm not a tomboy, dad---I just love frogs!" Then she continued running barefooted, in a generally southern direction, to join Jeff in their amphibious pursuits. All I heard was shrieking and giggling. It had been a hard week, but all the concerns of the week melted away instantly with that little gap-toothed grin, in a little face, full of freckles with blond hair, and big, bright blue eyes, reassuring her daddy that she was NOT a tomboy...she just loved frogs! You gotta love it!

Another sweet memory!



Gena said...

Thanks Dad. I'm afraid I've created another amphibian and reptile lover. We actually found a snake the other day, and she was devastated when it escaped. Lots and lots of tears!

Summer said...

I am glad to know this little tid-bit about Gena. I will remember this when her birthday rolls around...

Anonymous said...

It seems like all of us that had brothers loved all creatures like that. (I still love them!) Angela

The Shoemakes said...

Those were exciting times! We really sharpened our frog hunting skills that summer! Don't forget all the Saturday mornings at 6:00 a.m. when you would take us on 'turtle hunts.' Cruising up and down country roads trying to catch our little shelled friends crossing the cool pavement before the sun came out! How many turtles ended up in a cardboard box instead of on the other side of the road? : ) They lost a lot of good men out there...