Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Betty Lou Gayle --her life defines love and friendship!

Here's another story that, while it touches on my Mom, the spotlight this time is on someone else. My dad had a first cousin named Noel Gayle. Noel was married, for over sixty years to the same woman -- a wonderful woman named Betty Lou. My Dad and Noel were close, and my Mom and Betty Lou were like sisters. They loved each other and talked a lot ---and visited when they could. My folks and the Gayle family lived in the Dallas area, although clear across town from each other. Visits with the Gayle family were always special...REALLY special when their kids also came over.

Over the years, the kids on both sides all grew up and pretty much lost touch with each other, but Mom and Betty Lou and Dad and Noel remained close....Mom and Betty Lou were especially close. The Gayle's had three kids: Tommy, Linda and Terry. Tommy is Matt Gayle's dad! If you know Matt, then you have already met Tommy! Peas in a pod -- both are wonderful people and a lot of fun to be around!

I am writing this tonight to tell you about Betty Lou. When my Mom could no longer be a friend to Betty Lou, due to Mom's Alzheimer's condition, and had to move from her home in Dallas to Edmond, OK, where we could help take care of her, I found out what Betty Lou Gayle was really all about. Even though Mom's memories were fading fast, Mom received a card or letter or card AND letter from Betty Lou EVERY DAY FOR OVER FOUR AND A HALF YEARS! EVERY DAY! Betty Lou typed news about her family -- her kids and grand kids, news about their local congregation -- whatever news she could rustle up for Mom. I have never, in my entire life, seen such devotion to a friendship as Betty Lou showed toward my Mom. Never. Betty Lou was a quiet lady. She never wanted any attention (she still doesn't). She's not a complainer, although she is nearly blind. She has a wonderful spirit and an unbelievable faith in her Lord Jesus Christ. She and Noel had their kids in church every time the doors were open. They were great examples of Christian living. They were involved in every good work of the church. Her kids are all wonderful people who love the Lord. Like ripples in a pond, her legacy continues across time, touching one generation after another.

Betty Lou and Noel have had a great impact on my life....and I guess I could say that, due to Mom's condition, and her inability to respond to Betty Lou's constant attention--constant acts of kindness and friendship, I grew to love Betty Lou like I had never loved her in my earlier years. Betty Lou continued her steadfast expressions of love toward my Mom, even when Mom couldn't reciprocate. I believe that in Betty Lou, I saw what true love is all about: an acceptance of all that has been, all that is, and all that never can be again. What a woman! What a treasure! Betty Lou's life is one that makes the angels sing!


Anonymous said...

How special to honor Betty Lou with those nice thoughts. She truly is a very special lady. Thanks, Gene.

Matt said...

I can't say how much this means to me and my family. She is one of the most wonderful women I have ever known. Thanks Gene.


elaine said...

Thanks for the kind words about my Mother-in-law. I will read them to her.

Gene said...

Robin, Matt and Elaine --

I don't know how to put such strong feelings into words. When I think of the epitome of human love, I not only think of my Mom, but of Betty Lou as well. She's an human form!


Linda said...

Gene thank you for you sweet words. I remember when Mama would talk to your Mom on the phone for (it seemed like) hours. In those days no one would dream of interrupting a phone call.

Mama was and IS a great letter writer. Wayne & I enjoy her letters weekly. He calls them "Mama Letters". Due to her poor eyesight, we sometimes have to decode them because her hand might slip off of the keyboard a bit and the words are cyphers. But we still enjoy them.

Mama wanted to visit your Mom but could only send letters most of the time. They were great friends - family was just coincidence.

Thank you so much.

Linda said...

I have this marked to re-read from time to time. Today was one of those times. I just have to ask about the picture - I know my Daddy, but I don't know who the woman is.