Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What is it with kids?

On a recent blog, I shared the story of Gena's 'thing' for frogs. I didn't tell the whole story...When Gena and Jeff were both very little, and had those shrill, shrieky-high-pitched voices that little kids have -- you know, the kind of voices that can shatter windows when they squeal or scream -- they BOTH learned how to use that ability that mainly tiny folks have, to acquire a skill that I have never before heard attributed to humankind. They learned how to call frogs! We have always had frogs in our backyard in the summer (I told Paula that would happen if she left the water running for weeks on end!), and the kids loved the frogs but had trouble finding them on their own. One evening, when the frogs were speaking to one another with those sweet strains that cause only other frogs' hearts to beat wildly, Gena and Jeff began emulating those frog trills. They would run back and forth across our backyard with a peculiar set to their jaws that allowed them to force the frog-trills from their mouths. Their blood veins would stand out on their necks from the effort. The neighbors -- mostly nice, quiet people, just minding their own business, probably thought we were all crazy. The frog calling went on intermittently all summer...for several summers, until the thrill of frog-calling gave way to...who knows? Who can know where this stuff comes from...and where it goes. In that respect, it's like the wind. The Bible tells us that we don't know where IT comes from, either...or where IT goes.I do know, however, that for our little corner of the world during those years, we had a huge frog population in our backyard. We found frogs everywhere...they even ended up in our pool on occasion. Not toads, mind you, but frogs --- big, green, strong-swimming frogs. This unusual congregation of frogs made me wonder if during all that 'trilling for frogs' (like 'trolling' for fish, but with high-pitched noise for bait), maybe Gena and Jeff were inadvertently trilling Woodstock-like frog-words and frog-thoughts, that inadvertently were trumpeting to all the frogs in the vicinity to come to a frog love-in! The long strings of frog eggs often appeared in the rain water on our pool cover, and this had never happened prior to the frog-trilling of Gena and Jeff.This ability to call frogs is no doubt a very unusual ability. I wonder if it might turn out to one day become an Olympic event!  Hmmm-mm! During and following the frog-trilling era at the Shoemske's home, we often went out for dinner. Invariably, Jeff, who was a little guy at the time, would often boldly speak up when the waitress asked us what we wanted for dinner, and would ask, with a serious, almost adult look on his face: "Do you have any frog legs?" He would ask this every time, although he had never ---EVER--- eaten frog legs. The waitresses would always give him a curious, blank look, before telling him that no, at this particular restaurant (hamburger joint), we don't have frog legs.  Jeff would feign disappointment but then, always a good sport, would wolf down his hamburger and fries. This has been, like all of my blog-stories, a true story. Ask Jeff and Gena. You may even get a grown-up version of a truly unique (redundant) frog-trill. Maybe you can take that home and teach your kids how to creat an amphibian rock concert event in YOUR backyard!


Gena said...

Those were the best times ever. I will definitely be passing the frog calling torch to Raegan and Greyson.

Sarah said...

Gene, I hope you are able to help Elaine get her roof fixed. I leased the building beside hers when I had my consignment shop. They are wonderful people. I hope this works out for all of you!!

I sure enjoy your stories. Hope you don't mind if I drop by from time to time.
