Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fast-Food Restrooms & Buckets of 'Bugs'

Yesterday I was desperate. No time to eat lunch, and no choice of restaurants, but really hungry. I walked into a local fast-food place on the north side of Edmond (you would know it --they have locations everywhere in the known world). ("100 Billion Served?" How about 100 Billion potentially infected?). Not wanting to be sued, I will not mention their name. It makes no difference. MOST fast-food places are just like it. I would rather eat a bucket of bugs than go into one. Here's how I got there! I wanted to wash my hands before eating, so I did just that. Then I noticed, while standing there with water dripping from my hands, that they only had wall-mounted electric hand-drying devices. I did the best I could with the 'electric paper towels' and then walked toward the door. The idiots who designed the bathroom doors in this public restroom designed it so one has to grab a door-handle to pull the door open....with no paper towels. This includes the employees who make up your food order. They, too --- being in a hurry, and with no one watching, did 'their business' and walked out of the restroom, having just opened the door by grabbing the filthy, WET door handle, and went right back to making up your food order. The only stop on the way, is likely their fast use of a broom and dust pan or mop to clean up the floor of the restaurant -- before heading behind the counter to bag up your order...likely without bothering to wash their hands! Now, back to the rest room...better known as the 'germ dispenser'.

You have to touch the handle with your bare hands. In doing so, you might as well be sticking your hands into the pants of the last 10,000 people who visited that bathroom! It's worth noting that the majority of people who use public bathrooms NEVER wash their hands after handling various parts of their anatomy while attending to their private bathroom needs...unless you are standing at a urinal (if you're a guy) and they know you're watching. So, when you walk up to the food counter to order your food, and some person asks you "you want fries with that?", they are, of course, asking you if you'd like fries with the filth you picked up on the wet door handle in the john! 10,000,000,000,000 (Obama bail-out numbers!!) filthy germs you just picked up in their germ-infested bathroom with the antibiotic-resistant germs running amuck all over the door handle that you have to grab to get out of the death trap they call a 'rest room'. 'Rest Room', indeed! A better name for this sort of public 'facilities' would be: 'LAST STOP ON THE WAY TO THE HOSPITAL'....! (Can you spell 'E-COLI'?...or 'antibiotic-resistant staph?'...or MERSA?).

I can't undo the design of brain-dead architects, fast-food franchise owners, and other establishments with uneducated, archaic, insensitive ways of looking at public health. But I CAN deal with it in MY WAY. My way is to first -- before walking into the fast-food restroom, go to the napkin dispensers and walk away with a big wad of paper napkins. I tuck them into my shirt pocket and then, after washing my hands and drying them with paper, I then walk over to the door handle, and with dry paper napkins, open the door safely! If there is a trash can near the door, I toss the paper napkins into the receptacle.

IF THERE IS NO TRASHCAN NEAR THE DOOR, I TOSS THE PAPER NAPKINS ON THE FLOOR, RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOOR. OTHERS MUST BE THINKING THE SAME THING, BECAUSE I OFTEN SEE PILES OF PAPER ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO THE DOOR OF THE BATHROOM. When the establishment begins paying for enormous quantities of paper napkins, they may decide to fix the door, so that one can open the door with one's elbow or the push of a foot near the bottom of the door.

By now you think I'm a nut case. That's okay. I understand. But wait--here's another one for you to think about. I was in another popular 'restaurant' the other day, near Bryant and Memorial Rd. It was late in the evening and the restaurant was not crowded. A man -- probably in his 50's with black hair was mopping the floor. His hair was as black as coal, but...only his hairdresser knows for sure about the hair color. He was mopping the floor, with no apparent enthusiasm. Every now and then he would stop and walk behind the counter. After all, three or four swats across a little piece of the floor with that fetid mop would wear ANYONE out. With no washing of his hands, he picked up a tiny spoon from a containe of micro-spoons used for people to 'taste' different flavors of ice cream before making their selection. He then reached down into one of the containers of ice cream and scooped out some ice cream and deposited the wad of ice cream into his mouth. He then went back to mopping. He did this three times while I was eating my meal. "That's great, I thought -- just great!" No one paid him any mind. It didn't matter that the workers preparing the food at the grill wore plastic gloves, as though they were doing a surgical procedure. THIS GUY DIDN'T -- and his filthy hands -- from mopping up the restaurant (handling the bucket, the mop, the litter on the floor, etc.), kept reaching right down into the ice cream buckets--a different one each time...wielding tiny plastic spoons. Each selection of ice cream was done with great deliberation and no apparent haste. I'm SURE his hands NEVER TOUCHED the ice cream...aren't you? I'm just almost --nearly-- certainly positive!..........maybe. Yeah---RIGHT! (Try mentally going into a big container of hard ice cream with a tiny, flexible plastic spoon that might be an inch and a half long and try to scoop ice cream with your plastic spoon without dragging your knuckles all over the ice cream in the bucket -- it's impossible!). It also did not go unnoticed that the large lady behind the counter kept hacking rattling, phlegmy coughs into her left hand, over and over, while she prepared some wonderful milk shakes and a 'mix' for some lucky, unsuspecting patron at the drive-up window, who drove away, blissfully ignorant of what had just happened. (I wonder who was her beneficiary on her life insurance policy?) "YUMMY! Where do I sign up for some of that?", I thought, as I did a quick but thorough optical scan of the remainder of my hamburger. At this point, I'm super-vigilant, and looking over my nub of a hamburger with x-ray vision, imagining all sort of possible scenarios involving the preparation of MY hamburger. I almost didn't eat the last bite.

Want to live to a ripe old age? Want your kids to stay a little healthier, and have an even chance of growing up? Then be careful where you eat. Check out the bathroom first. If you have to grab the handle to get out of the bathroom, don't eat there! You may end up paying with more than money for the privilege of dining there. You may even pay with more than 'intestinal distress' may pick up something along the way that will change your life in ways you don't want. These days, it may take more than Pepto Bismol to ease your intestinal discomfort if you fall victim to the Fast Food Germ Slingers --- the Dirty Harry's of Dining.

O.K.--- now you've branded me as a lunatic. That's okay. I don't mind. I feel that it is important to highlight a public danger. We live in a world where people are dying every day from 'community acquired diseases.' Antibiotics are losing the war against some of the formerly fairly benign 'bugs' that are found on every surface in the world. Peoples' incomes and lives are affected by sickness. Medical costs are skyrocketing. And, with alll of this going on in our world, idiots are still building public facilities with bathroom doors that have to be opened by hand by people who, in large part, do not wash their hands. They do things with their hands that have consequences for other people.

I'm happy, knowing that I will not be as likely to pick up a case of the 'Tennessee Quick-Step' or end up in the hospital, with a case of antibiotic-resistant staph. This resistant little bug killed my sister in Dallas a few years ago when she went into the hospital for a pretty minor surgery, as surgeries go. She got the staph infection at the site of her surgery. Her name was Nancy Kocher. She never left the hospital alive.

We can't kill all the germs in the world, but doesn't it make sense to protect people in public places with just a little common sense? Especially in public restaurants, where there is such a huge risk to the public. Do your family a favor...look at bathrooms in public eating establishments and how they are constructed and serviced. Also, watch to see if the food handlers are also wielding mops and cleaning tables and handling money and then go right back to food preparation without washing their hands with soap and water.

For my part, I would rather eat a bucket of bugs than eat at a fast-food restaurant!


Gena said...

Oh man, Dad. I had tears streaming down my face realizing we had written on the same topic. Your account is hilarious, yet disgusting. I hate fast food restaurants for those reasons.

Gene said...

Thanks, Gena! It was fun, sharing the fact that we had written about the same guy at the same restaurant, when neither of us had mentioned our experience to each other! Amazing! Like they say:
'Great minds...'

I have an idea for a new food offering at fast food restaurants:
'POT' roast....not to be confused with home-cooked pot roast, prepared with clean hands!!!!
Sorry my sense of humor is 'in the tank' today!

Bob said...

O M G! This is halarious! This is CLASSIC G.S. if I've ever heard it. I can't stop laughing!

By the way, does the man in his
50's have jet-black hair?

Gene said...

Bob (a.k.a. 'Smoke') ---

Glad you enjoyed it! We need to get together for lunch sometime. I miss all the dozens of hours we spent at New China on Britton Rd.(remember 'Emory' and '2 plus 2?)--and at West Oaks Restaurant, in Edmond, in the '70's, wearing our classy 'leisure suits' and eating steak sandwiches?

I don't have your phone number. My cell phone is 229-9649. If you'll call me sometime, we can get together. I'd llike that.


Gena said...

I'm back to re-read this post. This is my favorite yet. You are a lunatic, but I love you.

McMommy said...

Mr. Shoemake,

I thoroughly enjoy your blog and want to say thanks!! Especially for this one! I honestly thought I was the only one with the "fast food restaurant phobias" but am plesantly surprised that I am not!!

I'm also a HUGE advocate for protecting oneself from the antibiotic resistant staph and other "superbugs" especially since we were personally affected when my son caught MERSA from daycare. Talk about a nightmare!! Was definitely scary since lots of infants die due to that strain of staph. Luckily we weren't one of those!!

Anyways, thanks again!! Look forward to reading your next entry! Take care!! Sending love from VA.

~Suzanne (Dawson) McNiven
(went to HS and college with Gena, btw.)

Gene said...

Gena Marie! I strongly resemble that remark!!! B.T.W., 'it takes one to make one'...or something like that. Anyway, if I'm a lunatic, you will be my genetic succesor....enjoy!!! :)

Gene said...


Thank you so much! I'm glad to know that I am not the only germaphobe in the world! I've been made fun of for years by friends and family for often spraying the soles of my shoes with Lysol spray when I leave a public 'facility'. I can't stand the thought of tracking 'stuff' into my vehicles where I seem to live a good many hours of each day. I know I'm a little strange about that, but I'm not changing.
I don't get 'bugs' very often, and I credit my awareness of germs for the pretty good health that I enjoy.

I'm glad your baby got over the MERSA. You're right -- so many others do not!

I'm glad you enjoyed this post! That makes it all worthwhile to me! Thanks for dropping in --and thanks for leaving me a note!


Bob said...

Still laughing here. Yes, I remember 2 plus 2 at New China ... and who could forget Emory? Man, I wish that place was still there!

BTW, I've never worn a leisure suit in my life!! That was Harmon.
I'll call you soon. BF

Gena said...

alright, here goes some dry Sunday humor:

1) chocolate chip cookie Moe

2) Rocky Roach

3) Salvanilla

4) peppertoothmint

5) strawhairy

6) germy chocolate

7) Mop-adamia Nut

8) Orange Sherbutt

Gena said...

by the way Gene, this is your son-in-law with the bad Sunday jokes. Only you and I can write real winners like these.

rebeckaoneal said...

okay now i will have to drive to the location across town as i will never look at Moe the same... this was classic

The Shoemakes said...

I sure hope Moe wasn't the one dipping my ice cream. Sick.

kj said...

People laugh at me cuz I have trained Lily to use the paper towel on the door. I tell her about germs all the time, and people might think it's overkill...BUT I have to brag here, she's almost 6 years old and never been on an antibiotic!!!

And I have seen people in NICE restaurants not wash their hands...not just fast food! People are gross everywhere! ha ha

Gene said...

"Moe" may just stand for 'Mo Germs', or 'Mo infectious diseases to share'.....

Jeff, you better hope he wasn't dishing up YOUR ice cream!

KJ --- you're's not just fast food's all of them. A famous Hollywood personality once said, when asked why he carried all of his kitchen utensils around when he traveled,
"I don't eat in restaurants...I value my health more than that! I prepare all my own food -- for every meal."

OCdeanwife said...

OMG! You are so funny! I just read your dry Sunday humor, which, when added to your original post, is too funny! I never used to think about this kind of stuff until hanging out with a doctor friend. I will never touch a bathroom door handle or escalator rail, stair rail, etc. again without sanitizing! Isn't it sad that we have to have a strategy for leaving a public restroom! I wonder what they used to do in outhouses!

Gene said...

Hi, neihbor! I'll tell you what they used to do in outhouses: Read the Sears catalog. It's funny, how the Sears catalog got thinner and thinner over time....such a mystery! They also must have eaten a lot of corn-on-the cob out in the outhouse, because there was always a bucket of corn cobs right next to the door. For the life of me, I cannot understand why someone would want to go out into a semi-dark outhouse to read a Sears catalog while eating corn-on-the cob!! Makes no sense to me. It must have been a 'farm thing' reckon?

For my part, I would never have wanted to use an outhouse. I always had the unsettling feeling that I would be bitten by a black widow on my bottom. That's a pretty scary thought. Bad place to be bitten. After all, they can't put a tourniquet on ones' tokus!